

Old projects

A base for displaying the Star Wars Pod Racer. Never released.

Made for a Merkava, sculpted from Super Sculpey.

Bridge ruins, 1/72nd scale.

Painted original.

A resin copy. Expertly detailed and painted by Vince Bounfiglio.

1/72nd scale. The building is a separate piece.

A 1/72nd scale tank revetment.

Using Elmer's Wood Filler and a chisel point X-acto knife I Zimmeritted an 1/48th scale scale Sturmtiger for a friend, Jim Rosado.

Sci fi modular urban ruins element.

Repairing a Mediterranean building I had made for Farina Enterprises.

A 1/35th scale groundwork base for Tamiya's Gamma Goat.


A dragon's head base. I used a 1/72nd scale T-Rev I had sculpted in the 90s as reference.


A 1/35th scale collapsed trench bunker.


A 1/35th scale urban ruins base.


A modern/futuristic street base.

With a Decker car from the movie ''Blade Runner'' and a fem fetale original sculpt.

Dust Game's 1/48th scale Heinrich undergoing a conversion.



  1. Paul, I am looking to build a tank revetment in 1/35th like the one you have displayed in 1/72nd. What size of timbers did you use in yours and what would be a good equivalent in 1/35th? Excellent work!

  2. Thank you Richard. The timbers varied a little in thickness. In 1/35th I would use 3/16th in. - 3/8th in. max.. In real life they varied, sometimes considerably. The revetment's wall is made the same way as for a trench. You can use photos of trenches as a guide. Good luck!
